Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Greek Gods

The Olympians
According to the Greek belief in the beginning there was a great void called Chaos. From Chaos ultimately issued forth the Elder Gods, or Titans, led by Cronos. Cronos’ son Zeus led the next generation of gods called the Olympians, worshipped by the Greeks and believed to have governed the universe from the peak of Mount Olympia.  
King of gods and men was the god of weather and justice. He was to be eaten by his father Cronos along with his siblings but his mother Rhea hid him. After growing up Zeus made Cronos cough up the ones he had swallowed and together defeated Cronos and won the universe.

Wife and Queen of Zeus was the protectress of marriage, married women, children and the home. It was she and her daughter Athena that planned the fall of Troy.

She was the goddess of war, justice, victory, wisdom and the patron of household crafts. She is believed to have invented the flute and presented the olive tree to win devotion of Athens. Although she helped the Greeks to win at Troy she took revenge from the heroes who forgot to pay her homage.

The god of war was hated by his parents. Hades liked him as the wars Ares created raised the underworld population. Although considered a great warrior he was wounded thrice by Hercules.

Goddess of love and beauty is said to be the mother of Cupid. She bribed Trojan Prince Paris with Helen of Sparta to name her the most beautiful between Hera, Athena and herself.

God of the sun, archery, truth, prophecy and aesthetics was the twin brother of Artemis. He defeated the dragon-snake ‘Python’ at Delphi and established his oracle.

Goddess of the moon and mighty huntress was the guardian of cities, animals and women. She demanded the sacrifice of Spartan King Agamemnon’s daughter as he had boasted that he was a better archer than her.

Messenger of the gods was the protector of flocks and cattle and the guardian of thieves and travelers. He celebrated the day he was born by stealing Apollo’s cattle.

God of fire and artisans was expelled from Olympus by his mother, Hera, in disgust at his lameness. He forged Pandora, the first mortal woman, into whom the gods breathed life.

Goddess of crops, fruits and grain was the mother of Persephone. She withheld her gifts when Hades carried off her daughter. Famine spread until she compromised to Persephone spending only one third of the year in the underworld.

God of the sea and earthquakes was also the brother of Zeus. He presented horses to mankind and lived in a gold palace deep in the Aegean Sea.

God of vine, fertility, hospitality and joy, was born to Zeus of a mortal mother. Hera destroyed his mother which drove him mad to wander the earth until he died and became a god.

God of the dead ruled the underworld with his Queen Persephone. He owned a three headed dog named Cerberus who was beaten once by Hercules and another time put to sleep by Orpheus.    

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